
“On vaus être reconnaissant toute notre vie!” »


Jessica Émond Larouche was not sure that she met the petite Élodie in the bathroom of her house in Chicoutimi on April 29th. Without the assistance of two police officers, the consequences for the mother and daughter could only last a few hours.

“I'm stressed, but that's actually nothing against the hospital, but I don't know what to do when I'm home.” In the end everything went well and I'm being enlightened until we find the people who will help us. support », said Jessica Emond Larouche with emotion, remembering that her child was very banal.

The birth of a girl, a two-year-old child who is usually taken to the hospital, does not pass as before.

“I'm having contractions, please return to the hospital at 4:30 p.m.” Since I said the baby needed the loin, I had to put her on the pills to sleep. At 6:30 p.m. the time had come, I got two pilsners and they all went into the water. I rappelled straight into the kid's dorm room, and while I was on the phone with them, I told her she was going to take the water away from me, my kid! The ambulance arrives at 6:39 p.m. and the baby leaves the little mother at 7:00 p.m.

The arrival of the police officers of the Saguenay Police Service (SPS) Clara Julien and Stéphanie Larouche takes place in a very short time because they are on patrol near their home. There is no correspondence with the circumstances. The child is in good hands where he or she lives, even if the context poses risks.

“After a few minutes of urgency, then it's my turn.” Madame lay on the sun lounger in the bathroom and discussed things with her. On debut, she didn't seem to avoid the contractions and I thought about buying a small beer, told by Clara Julien.

The ambulances had just arrived when they had to transport the mother to her urgent time, but the child was about to leave, as Marie-Gil Dufour explained.

“We thought we could stand in front of the hospital and in the end my colleague shouted that I was going to go to him and that wasn't all possible,” he said, adding that two paramedics were in the hospital Proximity be advances sont venus en renfort pour la suite des choices.

Enlightenment party

Children at home who have been intervened by police and rescue workers have to carry out the educational work in two places.

“It wasn't like I had done it before because that didn't happen right now, but it can't happen that it can't be done again,” said agent Stéphanie Larouche.

Marie-Gil Dufour is looking for this suggestion.

“Pre-visit the selection you may not arrive and prepare for the baby to be aired quickly.” Check everything, not the vital signs. La Petite is a beautiful rose and pleuraite. It's a story of the princess. Tout a bien été. »

“Je vous l'avais dit!” » It's everything that Jessica Emond Larouche scanned on the phone before going to the hospital center, or the rest of the patients on their prodigies. The family arrived after 36 hours with their newborn, Elodie, outside in their bras.