
Russia and China defended their alliance as a “Paix” factor in the world


Vladimir Poutine accompanied him on a two-day diplomatic visit to Beijing. When Russia and China celebrated their 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations in April, the two were very distressed because they discovered that their company was fighting for this alliance and that economic interests were currently the priority.

Sino-Russian trade exchanges exploded after the invasion of Ukraine, losing 220 billion euros in 2023, due to the Chinese alone. “The share of the ruble and yuan in trade transactions between Russia and China was 90%.“Congratulations Vladimir Poutine, at the moment when the Russian economy made money to survive the recession that passed more than a year later and reduced dependence on the power of the West.

When we were on the way to the Russian economy, the sanctions of the West were imposed in view of the difficult situation of Moscow before the invasion of Ukraine: the income from the export of hydrocarbons (carbon and gasoline) was repaid The Central Bank of Russia limited access to certain technologies that can be used by military personnel. Their impact on the Russian economy will only become apparent gradually and will prove useful in the long run. The Kremlin cannot be separated from the measures – for now – and will continue until the end of the fight it has.

It is this optic that Moscow will travel to Beijing that does not result in a conviction. La Chine provides a curious interpretation of the conflict, the cause and the consequences: it is a provisional American war opponent (via Russia), the glory “Containment” de jadis.

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Terrain d'entente

Although he addresses the concerns of his Russian ally's “security officials,” the Chinese Rappelle does not even care about a principle he cares about: respect for the territorial integrity of all countries that are part of Ukraine. Beijing reaffirmed its traditional position of “non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-confrontation.”

“Les deux pays according to necessity”Solution politicsIn the conflict in Ukraine, this man declared Chinese President Xi Jinping. Vladimir Poutine, he says: “enlightenment“for les”Initiatives“Chinoises de paix. It was even stated that the two pay off “Approval of nuclear-Pacific cooperation”, without additional information.

In reality, the Chinese government is making a real game of subtlety and acumen in order to maintain relations with Russia without provoking the United States, which is committed to imposing sanctions to join in Russian combat efforts. The risk of Beijing not being allowed has not been economical for months. If the Chinese economy has the potential to increase the production of rockets, drones and rockets in Russia, the weapons are not in all cases directly available. The red line is not operational for the moment.

Why Pékin for this alliance that creates potential complications for you? “The Sino-Russian relationship lasted a long time and was acquired by two parties that made us happy and nourished“, confirmed Xi Jinping. The game is also diplomatic: the bloc faces the Western forces. Face à la presse au côté by Xi Jinping, Vladimir Poutine an d'ailleurs jugé “annoying“Toute Alliance Politique et Militaire”fermée” in the Asia Pacific region. The prime minister was America's rival and worked with Australia and the United Kingdom to counter Beijing's influence. “The Kremlin leader did not say exactly what constituted his alliance”It's directed against the person“. The two presidents defend the Pékin-Moscow ax as a “factor”stability“and de”paix” in the world.