
Understanding Meghan Markle’s possible title change to “Princess Henry” – The UBJ


Meghan Markle may be facing a change in the royal family's nomenclature.

A royal commentator has suggested that if Meghan Markle were to be stripped of her title as Duchess of Sussex, she would henceforth be known as Princess Henry. This view was shared by Ingrid Seward, the editor-in-chief of Majesty Magazine.

“I don't think anything will happen to the titles because if they lose their titles, Harry is still a prince of the blood and Meghan is not the Duchess of Sussex, [would] “Be Princess Henry,” Seward told the Mirror.

Speculation surrounding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's possible loss of royal titles follows their decision to step back from official duties within the British royal family in 2020. However, according to Seward, it is unlikely that King Charles III will enforce such a decision.

Should the title of Duchess be abolished, Meghan's official title would be in line with royal protocol, which requires a female member of the royal family to be given a title that includes her husband's first name. Accordingly, Meghan's title would be Princess Henry, reflecting her husband's birth name, Prince Henry Charles Albert David – commonly known as Prince Harry.

Notably, this convention parallels the experiences of Kate Middleton, who was technically Princess William after her marriage to Prince William, although she was commonly referred to as the Duchess of Cambridge or Princess of Wales.

Furthermore, despite the ongoing debates and opinions on the subject, Harry and Meghan are currently known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and will likely retain these titles indefinitely.

“I think the best thing is to leave them alone, ignore them and just let them do their thing – and that's exactly what the palace and the royal family are doing,” Seward explained on the subject of her current titles.

As royal author Tom Quinn has mentioned, there have also been recent talks about the possibility of Charles and Prince William discussing stripping Harry and Meghan of their titles, which appears to be an ongoing debate with no definitive resolution at this time.

Despite the debates surrounding their titles, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex continue to live in California with their two children, thus managing to secure their own space outside the direct sphere of influence of the British monarchy.

The general consensus seems to be that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle should be allowed to keep their current titles, despite their decision to step down as senior active members of the royal institution and the resulting strained relations within the royal family.

The couple have been criticized for taking advantage of their royal status and neglecting the duties that come with it. Communication between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family has decreased significantly, especially following the couple's openness in various projects, such as Prince Harry's memoir Spare (2023) and their documentary series with Netflix.

What title would Meghan Markle use if she lost her title as Duchess?

If Meghan Markle were no longer the Duchess of Sussex, according to royal tradition she would be called Princess Henry.

Why should Meghan Markle be called Princess Henry?

The title Princess Henry comes from the tradition of royal wives taking a title that includes their husband's first name. Since Prince Harry's birth name is Henry, Meghan would be Princess Henry if she were to lose her title Duchess of Sussex.

Is it likely that Meghan and Harry will lose their royal titles?

At present, it seems unlikely that Meghan and Harry will be stripped of their titles as Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as royal commentator Ingrid Seward explained.

What protocol prescribes royal titles for women who marry into the royal family?

Royal protocol dictates that a woman who marries into the royal family is usually given a title that reflects her husband's name, which is why Kate Middleton is sometimes known as Princess William.

Have Meghan and Harry actively used their titles since stepping down from royal duties?

Yes, Harry and Meghan have continued to use their titles “Duke and Duchess of Sussex” even after stepping down from royal duties in 2020.