
The maritime industry is diverse


“Because of the attractiveness of the maritime industry.” “And they come from different generations who participate in study programs and work passionately in the industry,” says Mélanie Leblanc, head of the IMQ.

Two institutions wanted to face the state because they care about equity, diversity and inclusion in the maritime industry. “It is therefore a firm goal to develop an educational program that gives children the opportunity to set off,” said Ms Leblanc.

The study is unable to address in any way the attraction of a feminine man in her environment. “But when the staff navigates, it is more difficult for young women to dress them,” assures the IMQ director.

This probe sought to find a solution to prevent Harcélement competencies and cognitive bias. “We live in a multicultural environment and have a mix of different talents.” “The goal is a comprehensive milieu, a human industry,” said Madame Leblanc.

“But I think we need to know the basics and know that they are affected by the maritime industry personnel who use adapted formations.” And the second step that I wanted to take in collaboration with the industry was the basis for the development of inspiring models.”

Mélanie Leblanc, director of the Institut Maritime du Québec

In total, the CSMOIM received additional funding from the human resources department amounting to almost $4.5 million. This person was served by creating perfected formations for the generations of the maritime and maritime industry.

The educational service of the IMQ has been transferred to the CSMOIM to carry out regular audit and innovation work in the educational institution.

Constat connu

For IMQ and CSMOIM, the study period continues. “Mais l'étude nous a mise de mieux le chiffrer.” It is an industry that is developing quickly, but at the same time there is also a certain love of tradition. “I felt the need to impress people to get the job done,” said Mme Leblanc.

But it was a plus and a plus for women in leadership, which would certainly entice Manou Bernard, director general of the CSMOIM, to make the move. “There is a price of conscience that lies in the chapter of the management committees, at the leadership level, which is due to women from their perspective.” […] And that is not the case. “I think this is a collective price of conscience in all areas,” she said.

“But the fait d'être has been sent on a journey, with a triple hierarchy present, it is as if one could favor certain channels of communication,” explained Ms. Bernard. “Parce que, sur a bateau, tu suis les Directives de quelqu'un qui est in Position of Authorité. But communication systems have evolved. I'm sure you can help me because people can feel safe and entertained.”

À Title of the example, sur le navire Vistula Maersk sur lequel Le Soleil Visit Saint-Laurent in Trois-Rivières and Québec in September 2023 and ask for additional attachments encouraging reporting of acts of intimidation and violence. Hugs, on this trip, two women working on board, not one at a time.

“I am a company, and I no longer have a name because I have a full equipment license to keep my female captains and send a message.” Because the equipment has not been enlightened by the authority of the female captain. They have an advantage over the international. However, it is difficult to do the same when it comes to a manque de main-d'œuvre.”

Manou Bernard, Director General of the Comité Sectoriel de Main-d'Oeuvre de l'Industrie Maritime

“You don’t have to tolerate your courage when you act.” I guide conductors who choose inclusion and diversity. “A passe par le leadership,” concludes Mélanie Leblanc.

Manou Bernard, Director General of the Comité Sectoriel de Main-D'œuvre de l'Industrie Maritime and Mélanie Leblanc, Director of the Institut Maritime du Québec

In Montreal next year?

The four Québécoises assessments of the maritime sector complete the sale in Port de Québec. The PDG of the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent (SODES), Mathieu St-Pierre, explains that the event has reached maturity.

“About the presentation of studies and projects that are currently available. This is the numbering or proportion of the données, the decarbonization. I chose the dossiers that were already available in previous editions. “To Pousse la Collaboration plus Loin.”

Is it the five fifties who received other gifts in Québec or Lévis, as if that had happened over the last few years? “Best regards to the Montreal coast. “I did not hope that the metropolitan area would attend the assizes for the coming years,” responded PDG of SODES. “In 2025, the fifth edition followed and it was no longer driven to Montréal, as it was an ecosystem that was most important in Saint-Laurent. Donc, without official announcement, on étudie grandement la possibilité.”