
The De La Salle and Stella Maris schools could be taught together


De La Salle and Stella Maris parochial boys' schools are holding consultation meetings to examine “the possibility” of transitioning to co-educational schools from first grade in the 2025/26 school year.

A Curia spokesman said feedback was currently being sought from staff at both colleges, including St Benild School, which is part of Stella Maris College.

“Parents were also invited to send their feedback. Feedback from students will be collected in the coming days until the end of May. The final decision on whether to proceed in this direction or not lies with the religious community and the respective governing bodies of the universities,” the spokesman said.

The two colleges are part of La Salle Malta – the network of Lasallian Colleges in Malta, operated by the Malta Trust of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers).

De La Salle College includes a primary school, a secondary school and a senior school. Stella Maris College includes an early childhood department called St. Benild School, a primary school and a secondary school.

The Lasallian Mission works worldwide to provide children and young people with a humane and Christian education, regardless of gender

When asked why colleges are considering this transition from boys' schools to joint boys' and girls' schools, a spokesman said: “The Lasallian Mission worldwide is committed to providing a humane and Christian education to children and young people, regardless of gender . Just as Lasallian schools have responded to the changing needs of their communities by adapting to the signs of the times, today's Lasallian schools are also assessing current realities. They consider how best to uphold the Lasallian values ​​of a truly human and Christian education in the context of modern educational structures.”

Stella Maris CollegeStella Maris College

Independent schools in Malta have all been co-educational since their inception. Since 1980 there has also been mixed-gender teaching in state primary schools, although this was only extended to secondary schools in 2014. The church schools have so far lagged behind. In 2018, Archbishop Charles Scicluna called on schools to undertake a consultation process to formulate official church policy on the issue. Since then, some schools have begun transitioning to mixed education.

At the primary level, various church schools now offer mixed instruction. In Malta these are St Albert the Great College Primary School, St Aloysius College Primary School, St Angela School, St Francis Primary Schools in Birkirkara, Cospicua and Msida and Theresa Nuzzo Primary School.

In Gozo, Bishop's Conservatory Primary School, Laura Vicuna Primary School, St Francis Primary School in Victoria and St Theresa Primary School are all taught together.

At the secondary level, only St. Albert College Secondary School is already mixed (up to Form 8/Form 2), while St. Aloysius College will be mixed at the secondary level in the coming years.