
Rethinking Gramsci 2024 | channels


How have Gramscian categories been adopted in our global context and how do they remain relevant today? As his ideas spread around the world, the name Antonio Gramsci has acquired an impressively wide range of uses and meanings. Building on the experience of Rethinking Gramsci 2023This year's edition examines the reception and interpretation of Gramscian insights around the globe. It was not long before Gramsci's innovative evocation of orthodox Marxism transcended its original context and acquired central importance within what would later become Western Marxism. The reception of his ideas among English Marxists, for example, helped give shape to the cultural Marxism of figures such as Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall. Furthermore, Gramscia's ideas formed the basis of post-Marxist thought and practice, as expounded in seminal works such as Mouffe and Laclau Hegemony and socialist strategy. Subaltern scholars from South Asia, in turn, gave Gramsci's concept of the subaltern new connotations and applications, while postcolonial thinkers gave his legacy regional accents and re-signified it within the context of their own particular struggles. Rethinking Gramsci 2024: Global Perspectives on Gramsci intends to explore the myriad uses and meanings of Gramsci from various perspectives and contexts around the world. We promote theoretical and empirical approaches from all possible perspectives, be it scientific, practical or artistic.