
More and more young people in PA love records


Speak with paNOWForsman said owning vinyl has become more of a hobby for collectors than anything else.

“They watch the concert and want the cool vinyl cover because it’s almost like a work of art.”

He added that he saw more and more young people coming into the store looking for the best vintage and current vinyl records.

“To see them come in and be excited about a record is overwhelming,” he said.

While digital music services like Spotify, YouTube Music and Apple Music still dominate the industry, vinyl has seen a resurgence in recent years.

According to Statistics Canada, “other music formats” such as records were the fastest-selling music format from 2019 to 2021.

During that period, sales rose to nearly $68 million, three times more than eight years earlier.

Forsman said Tramp's remained strong during the early years of the pandemic because people were stuck at home and needed books, music and other forms of entertainment.

Although the digital age puts all types of music in people's hands, Forsman acknowledged that there is nothing like the feel and sound of vinyl.

“With that acoustic crackle and cool sounds that can only be found on vinyl and that you can’t get on a digital media source.”

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