
Défis culturels et histories de two écoles Vaticans – ZENIT


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The students and professors of the Vatican École de Paléographie, Diplomacy and Archiving and the Institute of the École Vatican de Bibliothéconomie were received as listeners by Pope François on May 13, 2011. The audience is in the Clémentine Room of the Apostolic Palace.

The Vatican School of Paléography, Diplomacy and Archives

The École Vaticane de paléographie, de diplomatie et d'archivistique was founded in the year 1 by Léon XIII. foundedum May 1884 in 1884, declared by Pope Ludwig, of “ Promote historical studies on the pontificate and in the Église » and prepare « The young man takes care of the knowledge and illustration of the documents he needs ».

On the shore of the Apostolic Archives of the Vatican, near Belvedere Square, the École has a multimedia room with 36 work posts, equipped with monitors aimed directly at the official's assistant. During the course, in addition to traditional pedagogical tools, the engineers used projections of texts created using previous computer technologies and photographic, numerical and three-dimensional images.

L'École Vaticane de Bibliothéconomie

In part, the Vatican Library of Bibliothéconomie, founded by Pie XI, is interesting not only for other books, but also for those they represent, namely science and culture science and noble activities of the author of science. The premier took place on November 13, 1934, ten hours later, with a lecture by Eugène Tisserant, then owner of the Apostolic Bibliothèque and future cardinal librarian.

Here is a translation by ZENIT of the lyrics:

I remember Venus to celebrate two important anniversaries of the Écoles des Archives Apostoliques and the Bibliothèque Apostolique: Le 140e Anniversary of the École Vaticane de paléographie, de diplomatie et d'archivistique and 90e Anniversary of the École Vaticane de Bibliothéconomie. I am engaged in the work of two high-level institutions that have important stages from which I can take pleasure, and I know and appreciate the commitment that you have had in a service that you have to prepare and continue to prepare for the preparation of numerous archivists and libraries in the church and in the world.

What matters most to you: Encourage the people who they are and support them voluntarily, like the traitor Luc in the prologue of his son Evangile, which is written by ” I'm looking for attention and all circumstances » for parvenir à la vérité. It is a true service à la “ rigueur des enseignements reçus », au sens chrétien et humain du terme (cf. Lc 1, 3-4). It is imperative that information be disseminated during this time without the need for verification.

And it's great for me to see my educational work that I have to miss in order to continue, and I have to remember that these two schools are not included. I am a reconnaissance officer who has made the effort to see the full reconnaissance institution that these schools cannot fulfill.

The public takes place in the Salle Clémentine du Palais Apostolique.  © Vatican Media

The key cultural decision makers of our era

However, we are aware that we are not satisfied with the results we have faced with the crucial cultural decisions of our era. I'm sure that decision needs to be made, but I'm not convinced that they will be presented in a way that is at the level of the training.

I'm thinking, for example, of big questions related to worldview, the danger of homogenization and the devaluation of knowledge. I think about the relationship between plus and complex with technologies; Aux réflexions sur les cultures qui doivet être cultivées et proposées withoutobligations mutual; I think of the need for inclusion and do not include people from sources of knowledge, but protect at all times the world of poison, evil and violence, which may be weakening in the world of social resources and wealth de la connaissance technologique.

The public takes place in the Salle Clémentine du Palais Apostolique.  © Vatican Media

Overture to dialogue and availability in the battery

In this context, the first competency you need will be just having a great dialogue overture, having an opportunity available, especially on the margins and to material, cultural and spiritual people. These studies confront the fragility and richness of people in everyday life! And that wasn't necessarily for you, students, but also for the gentlemen who guided you.

Our two colleges have carried out professional reforms in recent years, but they will continue to engage with the replacement professions of knowledge retention and other institutes for the training of similar professions, learning and sharing ideas and experiences, to the point of achieving great success Stop and avoid you an answer. Source placed! How we sound in Argentina: “Je, moi, mon, avec moi, pour moi” It’s laid!

All in all, it has to be a real relationship. In fact, it is because we serve the anniversaries that we have ahead of us as celebrities: not only in honor of the old glories, but as a souvenir with gratitude to those who target and support these institutions in this area Passé, but also for the future, for the path, for the courage to reflect on the question in the face of the demands of the world of culture and effort.

The public takes place in the Salle Clémentine du Palais Apostolique.  © Vatican Media

Decisive re-dynamization of the two schools of the Vatican

From the beginning, these schools presented a specific, crucial question: they had a practical and concrete approach to problems and studies, up to the lines to which I demanded even more answers because the confrontation with the reality of the choices chosen mieux que l'ideology. Les idéologies do toujours.

In learning and training to become an archivist and in contact with the library, as well as in studies and the living experience that this profession carries out in the library and archives; The Archives and the Bibliothèque have the privilege of addressing secular heritage and are responsible for the care and transport of gifts and future generations.

And these contacts, along with opportunities for technical training, also contain incentives for intellectual and human disclosure. This concrete character and this progress are the groundbreaking plans for your future path and a decisive revitalization of the two schools of the Vatican.

With this attention you all went well, you and your work. And I demand the price for myself. I remember.