
Criminals locked up in May: From sex offender jailed for 18 years to man with cannabis factory ‘like Narnia’


It has been another grim month in the courts during May with some sickening sex offenders and violent thugs among those to be jailed.

A nasty thug who attacked a police dog with a shovel, the Beverley guest house boss nicknamed “Basil Fawlty” and the scheming mother of a convicted killer featured in some of the high-profile cases heard at Hull Crown Court.

Meanwhile, there was a cannabis-taking robber and a property landlord who had a big “Narnia” cannabis factory hidden from view.


Drug dealers, an online sexual predator and weapon-carrying troublemakers were also among the parade of criminals brought before the court.

These are some of the key cases that were heard during May.

Girl left “haunted” and suffering a “complete nightmare” after raped and abused ordeal

Perverted serial sex offender Owen Evers raped and abused a young girl, causing her to suffer a “complete nightmare” that left her “world turned upside down”

Former bus driver and chef Evers put the victim through a “deeply disturbing” ordeal that left her feeling “haunted” and fearing that the misery she suffered at his hands was “carved” into her and would be “almost impossible to eradicate” from her life.

Evers, 61, of Rushworth Close, Bransholme, denied 12 sexual offences, including two offences of rape, six offences of sexual activity with a child and four offences of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, but he was convicted by a jury of all of them on majority verdicts.

He was jailed for 18 years and was given a sexual harm prevention order for life. He must register as a sex offender for life.

Thug attacked a police dog with a shovel and swung it at policeman’s head

Violent and drunken teenager Keane Pyzer viciously attacked a police dog with a shovel during a frightening confrontation inside a house before angrily swinging the shovel towards the dog handler’s head, causing a nasty cut on his arm.

The dog handler lost so much blood during the attack that he lost consciousness. Pyzer had earlier refused to pay a taxi driver and he threatened the man with the garden spade before damaging his car.

Pyzer, 18, formerly of High Street, Hull, but recently in custody on remand, admitted assaulting the police officer, causing actual bodily harm, and causing unnecessary cruelty to a police dog. He also admitted threatening a person with an offensive weapon, using threatening words or behaviour, causing criminal damage and making off without paying a taxi fare on April 5.

Pyzer was sent to a young offenders’ institution for a total of two years and 11 months.

Two boys suffered serious harm and might never recover from their ordeals after sex abuse

Depraved sexual predator Lance Harker callously targeted two young boys for serious sex abuse – and he caused them “significant psychological harm”.

One of the victims had suffered “night terrors” and they had both endured severe emotional problems. They would “never fully recover” from their shocking ordeals.

Harker, 37, of Coltman Street, Hull, denied two offences of raping a boy under 13, two offences of sexual activity with a boy under 13, two offences of causing or inciting sexual activity with a boy under 13 and three offences of making indecent images of children. He was convicted by a jury after a five-day trial.

He was jailed for 16 years.

Lance Harker, pictured outside Hull Crown Court(Image: Hull Live)

“Basil Fawlty” guest house host was rude and “unwelcoming” and ran misleading adverts about the level of luxury

Beverley guest house boss John Dixon Hart was branded “Basil Fawlty” because of his rudeness to guests and he used misleading advertising to claim wrongly that the “awful” and “unclean” rooms that he provided were of either four-star or three-star standard.

He used dubious information and pictures to give a false impression to potential customers about the level of luxury that they could expect at the “absolute dump” of his guest house.

A barrage of complaints was made by guests about tobacco and “musty” smells, “shabby” and unclean rooms, “stained” and “gruesome” bedding, security worries and rude and “unwelcoming” behaviour from Hart.

He was said not to have had the “minimum standards required of hygiene, health and safety, customer service and overall presentation” at the “tatty and run down” guest house.

Hart, 60, of Minster Garth, Keldgate, Beverley, admitted six offences involving misleading commercial practices between June 1, 2021 and March 22, 2022.

He was given a nine-month suspended prison sentence and 20 days’ rehabilitation. He was ordered to pay £729 compensation to reimburse eight guests who had complained.

Sex offender put a girl through serious abuse before claiming that she told lies about him

Perverted sex offender Gary Phelan forced a young girl to endure a serious ordeal of the “grossest” abuse but he later pretended that she had made up “wicked lies” against him.

She had told the truth and had suffered nightmares and “heartbreaking” problems. A jury “saw through” his lies with “no difficulty”.

Phelan, 40, of Cogan Street, off Hessle Road, west Hull, denied sexually assaulting a girl under 13 but he was convicted by a jury in April.

He was jailed for four years.

Killer’s mother helped to conceal vital evidence from his mobile phone after tragic one-punch death

Retired social worker Joanne Pearson , the mother of a jailed killer, tried to prevent her son’s mobile phone being found and analysed by police after the death.

Michael Pearson left his friend, Scott Akester, dead after a single-punch attack during a bad-tempered confrontation in the street. He was later jailed for seven-and-a-half years after being convicted of manslaughter.

Mr Akester fell after a hard, unprovoked punch from Pearson and he hit his head on the ground with considerable force. This caused a fractured skull and swelling to his brain. Mr Akester died in hospital later despite the efforts of hospital staff.

Joanne Pearson, 61, of Saltshouse Road, admitted committing an act with intent to pervert the course of justice by attempting to prevent the seizure of her son’s mobile phone during a homicide investigation.

She was jailed for six months.

Joanne Pearson at Hull Crown Court(Image: Hull Live)

Hidden £338,000 cannabis factory was like “Narnia” because of its secret and “clandestine” way in

Police found a secret cannabis factory that was so skilfully hidden inside the disguised entrance of an industrial yard that it was “a bit like Narnia” because it was the “commercial equivalent of a wardrobe”.

Builder and property landlord Majid Mahmood , who was behind the lucrative operation, was careful not to leave even a hint of fingerprint, DNA or CCTV evidence to show his crucial supervisory role in running the “very discreet” cannabis farm next to his own house.

The cannabis factory had a total of 615 plants growing there, with a potential value on the streets of £338,000.

Mahmood, 47, of Reynoldson Street, west Hull, denied being concerned in producing cannabis on October 31, 2022 but he was convicted by a jury after a trial in November.

He was jailed for four years.

Robber is warned “never to go near a spliff again” after cannabis-fuelled attack on council worker

Cannabis-taking quad bike rider Myles Blakebrough , who robbed an elderly council worker during a violent scuffle, causing a “nasty” wrist injury, has been warned “never to go near a spliff again”.

Aggressive and unpredictable Blakebrough grabbed a radio from the jacket of the man, who is in his 70s, during a heated confrontation. He earlier hurled abuse at the council worker’s female colleague when trouble erupted in a coastal Flamborough tourist area

Blakebrough, 33, formerly of Woodcock Road, Flamborough, but recently in custody on remand, admitted robbery on October 28.

He was jailed for 21 months.

Mean-minded man threatened to post woman’s explicit pictures and videos online

Online dating website user Harry Woodley threatened to upload pictures and videos of a woman onto the internet to teach her a shocking lesson after their relationship fell apart.

He at first paid the woman for explicit images of herself and she willingly sent him about 100 pictures and videos of herself naked or engaging in sexual activity.

But things took a more sinister turn after their relationship eventually ended and he threatened to post sexualised images of her online. He even sent a website link to her brother about the raunchy pictures and videos.

Woodley, 39, of Freetown Court, Hull, admitted threatening to disclose private sexual images of a woman, between January 1 and November 25, 2022.

He was given a four-month suspended prison sentence, 80 hours’ unpaid work, 30 days’ rehabilitation and a two-year restraining order.

Violent heavy drinker repeatedly punched a man in the head with heavy-duty reinforced motorcycle glove

Heavy-drinking bully John Knaggs , who used to down nine cans of strong cider a day, viciously punched another man in the head up to 25 times – using a motorcycle glove that had hardened and reinforced knuckles on it.

Reformed heroin addict Knaggs “saw red” and angrily stormed downstairs to confront and attack the victim in a nearby garden but – “mercifully” and “miraculously” – the man did not suffer serious injuries. The victim was left counting his lucky stars that he was not killed during the violent and “cowardly” beating.

Knaggs, 45, formerly of Brandsby Grove, but recently of no fixed address, admitted assaulting the man, causing actual bodily harm, on August 24 last year.

He was given a 14-month suspended prison sentence, six months’ alcohol treatment and 20 days’ rehabilitation. He was given a five-year restraining order.

John Knaggs at Hull Crown Court(Image: Hull Live)

Dating app pervert confronted by paedophile hunters after trying to meet a 14-year-old girl

Seedy pervert Peter Hale thought that he was exchanging sexually explicit messages and pornographic videos with a 14-year-old girl but he got a nasty shock when he discovered to his horror that, in reality, it was online paedophile hunters.

He suggested during his sexualised online chats on a dating app that the girl should travel to meet him so that they could have sex at his home. He later went into “complete denial” about his intentions and blamed alcohol for his behaviour.

Hale, 29, of George Street, Hull, admitted attempting to meet a girl under 16 following sexual grooming, attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child and three offences of attempting to cause a child to watch images of sexual activity, between February and March, 2022.

Hale was given a two-year suspended prison sentence, 200 hours’ unpaid work and 30 days’ rehabilitation. He was given a 10-year sexual harm prevention order and must register as a sex offender for 10 years.

Angry knife-wielding troublemaker threatened to kill police and “slash them up” during scary scenes

Aggressive troublemaker Lewis Deeming has been branded a “continuing danger” after he angrily brandished two fearsome 10-inch-bladed carving knives and threatened to stab and kill police officers during a frightening confrontation.

He also threatened to kill a police dog and “slash up” the officers before he later caused serious problems at a hospital and also while locked up in a police cell.

Deeming, 27, of Gilbert Street, Bridlington, admitted making threats with a knife at Ashmole Walk, Beverley, as well as assaulting a police officer as an emergency worker, racially aggravated threatening words or behaviour and causing criminal damage on November 12.

He was jailed for two years.

Man wielded knife in the street and raised it above his head in stabbing bid

Fired-up and aggressive troublemaker Ali Ahmed was seen raising a knife above his head and trying to stab another man after a violent street fight outside a betting shop escalated out of control.

Frightening outbreaks of knife crime were now a serious problem on the streets and it was “all too common that people end up getting stabbed and lose their lives”. It was only by pure chance that nobody was killed and there was a high risk that someone might have been stabbed.

Ahmed, 48, of Midgley Close, Hull, admitted possessing a blade on June 7 last year. He was jailed for eight months.

Drunken boyfriend assaulted woman four times in long-running harassment campaign

Heavy-drinking bully Simon Greaves was “10 out of 10” on a scale of drunkenness when he aggressively punched his girlfriend as part of a long-running campaign of harassment and violence against her.

He was in a “nasty frame of mind” when he angrily assaulted her and he had also “grossly overreacted” and been “unpredictable” on other drink-fuelled occasions when he became violent towards her.

Greaves, 44, formerly of Ampleforth Grove, but recently of Ryde Avenue, off Clough Road, Hull, admitted harassment, causing fear of violence, between June 1, 2019 and October 7 last year.

He was jailed for six months.

Simon Greaves appeared at Hull Crown Court(Image: Hull Live )

Cannabis dealer assaulted two police officers after being caught hiding stash of drugs

Gambling addict Hawbash Ahmed turned to dealing cannabis in a desperate bid to raise some much-needed easy money – but he ended up aggressively assaulting two policemen during a nasty confrontation after he was caught.

He angrily lashed out with a headbutt towards one constable and he spat at and kicked another officer after a stash of cannabis was discovered hidden in bushes near where he was “loitering” around.

Ahmed, 38, of Cambridge Street, off Anlaby Road, west Hull, admitted possessing cannabis with intent to supply between April 26 and July 14, 2020 and possessing cannabis with intent to supply and two offences of assaulting police as emergency workers on September 15, 2020.

He was given a suspended prison sentence of 15 months and seven days, with 20 days’ rehabilitation.

Campaign against neighbour could have led to “mob rule” and even a murder

Brooding resentment against a neighbour over a long-running grudge led revenge-seeking troublemaker Benjamin Guy to keep calling the other man a “nonce” in a potentially highly dangerous campaign against him.

The severe risk caused by spreading such damaging rumours could lead to “mob rule” and the danger that the people who were the victims of it could face having their house burned down or even being killed or seriously injured.

Guy, 32, of De Grey Street, off Beverley Road, Hull, admitted putting a person in fear of violence through harassment between October 9 and 26.

He was given an eight-month suspended prison sentence and 15 days’ rehabilitation. He was given a 10-year restraining order.

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Woman was aggressively confronted by thief in the street over cash that she owed him

A woman who owed more than £200 to suspected “loan shark” Christopher Lee suddenly fell foul of him in the street when he aggressively confronted her and angrily demanded his cash.

Menacing bully Lee warned her that he would hit her unless she handed over some money to him. He twice pushed her during the nasty incident and reached into her jacket and stole her phone.

Lee, 50, of Baptist Place, Bridlington, admitted theft on March 14 last year. He denied the more serious offence of robbery.

Lee, previously of Flamborough Road, Bridlington, was given an 18-month suspended prison sentence and 30 days’ rehabilitation.

Drug dealer tried to flee from the police by climbing over a barbed wire fence into a garden

Drug dealer Callum Adams was selling crack cocaine and heroin on the streets to pay off a crippling pre-Christmas £2,000 debt when he hurriedly tried to escape from the police by running off and climbing over a barbed wire fence into a garden.

But the hasty getaway plan backfired badly when, just 10 minutes later, eagle-eyed police spotted a car containing two of his known cronies. He was seen desperately trying to hide out of view on the rear seat.

Adams, 29, of Bilson Crescent, Hessle, admitted possessing crack cocaine and heroin with intent to supply, possessing cash as criminal property and possessing cannabis on December 19.

He was given a two-year suspended prison sentence and he was ordered to do 250 hours’ unpaid work.

Callum Adams, pictured outside Hull Crown Court(Image: Hull Live)

Bagged-up cannabis and CS gas canister found hidden under floorboards at drug user’s flat

Police found a big stash of cannabis and a banned CS gas canister craftily hidden under floorboards after naive long-term drug user Billy Williams made the mistake of voluntarily letting them search his home.

Cannabis addict Williams never thought for a minute that the police would find the secret hiding place but he landed himself in hot water when they unexpectedly uncovered the bagged-up drugs haul and the weapon.

Williams, 35, formerly of New Burlington Road, Bridlington, admitted possessing cannabis with intent to supply, possessing a prohibited weapon adapted for discharging CS gas, and possessing cocaine on November 19, 2019.

Williams, now of Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, was given a three-month suspended prison sentence and 15 days’ rehabilitation. The £680 cash seized will be forfeited.

Chance arrest in the street forces regular troublemaker to hand over meat cleaver he had tucked in his trousers

Wanted serial criminal John Puckering landed himself in trouble after police suddenly spotted him in the street – and he sheepishly volunteered that he had got a meat cleaver with him.

He soon realised that he was in a serious mess and so he quickly decided to hand over the meat cleaver that was tucked into his trousers.

Puckering, 39, of Spring Bank, Hull, admitted possessing a blade on December 7 and breaching an eight-month suspended prison sentence.

Puckering, who had been in custody on remand, was jailed for 14 months. The sentence included six months for the meat cleaver offence and a consecutive eight months after the suspended sentence was activated.

Man knifed in the street in unprovoked attack could have died but for pure luck

Violent and “out of control” troublemaker Eugen Militaru could easily have killed a man after he viciously slashed the victim’s throat during a frightening unprovoked attack with a “highly dangerous” knife in the early hours of the morning.

It was only by pure chance that the victim did not die after having his “throat slit” and he lost a lot of blood at the scene before being taken to hospital. The victim had suffered nightmares after the attack and he believed that he was “lucky to be alive”.

The knifeman was later found to have filmed himself for a video showing him posing with a gun and doing what looked like “a James Bond impression” while showing off his “physical prowess”.

Militaru, 41, of Grove Street, off Beverley Road, Hull, admitted wounding the man with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, assaulting a second man and having a blade in public on August 12 last year. He was originally accused of attempted murder but that charge was dropped.

Militaru was jailed for eight years and will be on extended licence of two years after his release.