
Why are foreign workers protesting angrily in Charlottetown? We'll find out.


Our reporter Lincoln Jay is on his way to Charlottetown, PEI. He will land around midday.

We want to find out what on earth is going on out there.

We have seen reports of hundreds of foreign migrant workers protesting and even threatening to go on hunger strike.

Their work permit has expired and they don't want to go home – in this case to India.

But the provincial government says it doesn't need more foreign workers in industries like retail.

What's up?

Why does Canada bring in hundreds of thousands of cheap foreign workers anyway? Aren’t they lowering wages, increasing housing costs, and blocking our healthcare system? And then there are the 900,000 foreign students – many of them at fake “diploma mills”, not real universities, but just a ploy to get into Canada.

What promises were made to them?

Who got rich from it?

And will any of them be sent home – or will these “temporary workers” really stay here forever?

I am not without compassion for her. I think it was a combination of financially greedy immigration consultants making millions and politically greedy politicians producing many future liberal voters.

But I also sympathize with the Canadians who were not consulted and did not agree that two million migrants were admitted last year and two million more are planned for this year.

We'll see for ourselves.

Finally, last week we traveled all the way to Dublin, Ireland to report on their immigration struggles. The least we can do is head to Charlottetown to see Canada's newest battle.

Lincoln will submit his reports to

If you can help us crowdfund the cost of his trip, I would be grateful – his economy class flight, one night's hotel stay and taxis will probably come to $700.

If you think this reporting is important – and if you don't trust the CBC to tell you the truth – please help me cover the cost of Lincoln's trip. In return, I promise you a very honest report on these protests, including the question: Who is organizing these protests? Who pays them?