
Village police and fire department join the radio system of other major cities in OKC


Village council members have approved an agreement with the Oklahoma City Police Department that will provide the village with improved radio communications between police and fire departments.

The city incurs approximately $30,000 in annual usage and maintenance fees from Oklahoma City.

Village Police Chief Russ Landon and Fire Chief Chris Brigan voiced their support for the agreement before the council unanimously approved it. The town currently uses the state-operated Oklahoma Wireless Information Network (OKWIN) for both fire and police departments.

Under the new agreement, The Village joins other metropolitan areas such as Bethany Warr Acres and Yukon, which have been successfully connected to the Oklahoma City Radio Network system for years.

“We currently utilize the state's radio system, which was developed years ago for state agencies, primarily the highway patrol, to communicate along the I-44 corridor from Lawton to Tulsa,” said Police Chief Russ Landon. “The Oklahoma City Radio Network was developed to allow OKC personnel to better communicate via radio.”

“The state system was designed for users who communicate over distance outdoors. The OKC system was designed for users who can communicate clearly in a metropolitan environment, with even greater clarity indoors.”

Although the community does not have to pay anything to use the state system, Chief Landon said, “There have been rumors for several years that agencies that use the system are being charged for maintaining the system.”

In 2018, the city received a $50,000 grant to purchase portable radios for the city. The radios are beginning to show signs of wear and tear due to heavy use and age.

“I have learned that maintaining our current radios could cost us at least $500 per radio,” Landon said. “If we move to the OKC Radio Network, their technicians will repair or replace our radios under our agreement and fees. We will look to acquire new radios in the future.”

Fire Chief Chris Brigan said the city will raise $30,000 to have fire and police departments switch to the Oklahoma City Radio Network to pay for allocation and usage fees for the capital replacement.

“Our old system is not as outdated, but the OKC Radio Network will better meet our current and future communications needs,” said Chief Brigan. “The OKC Radio Network will provide us with more stable communications in our area, which will positively impact our community. It has more towers with fewer users and is built to better withstand environmental disasters and be safer for our first responders.”

Both Landon and Brigan told the council that the change of radio provider would occur once both cities had successfully tested communications and resolved any concerns or issues.

“I can't imagine this will be a quick process,” Brigan said, “as effective communication is critical to the public safety response.”