
The fight between China and the United States is not over: it recently appeared in Ukraine


American President Joe Biden greets Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting during Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Week in Woodside, California, November 15, 2023.

American President Joe Biden greets Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting during Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Week in Woodside, California, November 15, 2023.American President Joe Biden greets Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting during Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Week in Woodside, California, November 15, 2023.



The world has been participating in the Taiwanese coup since the election of an independent president (Tsai Ing Wen 2016), as Asia seeks the theater of a major struggle. She opposed China because she recognized the reunification of the island and the continent as Emperor (before the centenary of the RPC in 2049) from alienated politics and the United States and could not accept an annexation that got her back was questioned the system of regional alliance and finally its influence on a continent that tired the global economy (54% of the GDP and 60% at the end of the world in 2024).

This attention feeds on the “realistic” beliefs of the incomprehensible observers of the conflict in Ukraine. For them, Ukraine is not an achievement off the coast of the West, it is in America, their priorities are not looking for Asia. America prepares to fight China (2° PIB worldwide since 2010), loses its time and weapons (five bills totaling $175 million as of 2022) near Kiev, and enters a peripheral conflict with Russia in decline (11° PIB Mondial). Obama was the “pivot” towards Asia, Trump was designated as an opponent by China, Biden was determined by the choice of his predecessors.

Or this vision ignores the deep Sino-American nature of the conflict with Ukraine. For good reasons, Ukraine is a guerre par procuration (“proxy war”) that thrives on the two capitals. However, two protagonists are not interested in harassing the West and insisting that it is “not belligerent” even though the Chinese stand on their neutrality (Kiev is competing at the “High Level” conference organized en Suisse). However, this decision is an important feature of the contentious relationship between Beijing and Washington. A supporter of the Battle of Corée, the Chinese woman was an envoy who sent “volunteers” against the American troops. In April 1954 he traveled to North Vietnam without contacting the United States directly.

The conflict with Ukraine, which has disappeared in a world without declarations of war, is typical of this indirect strategy of Chinese power. The story comes from Vladimir Poutine (Chinese on February 4, 2022, day before the debut of the “military special operation”), who received the green fire from Xi Jinping to see him, but the dependence on Russia ended Chine rend au mieux probably untel match. Pékin maintains the ambiguity: the Chinese layperson determined their experts to be wary of Russia's loss (Feng Yujun, quoted by The Economist). Since diplomacy is committed to the principle of territorial integrity of states, it does not have to give up to make Taiwan's independence possible.

But in reality, Chinese culture is beyond doubt. Pékin threw himself into the Russian affair, the great historical rival developed into a younger partner. The Chinese economy benefited from the realignment of Russian exports (+26% in 2023, i.e. $240 billion). The Chinese offer regional advantages in the Far East (access to the port of Vladivostok). Chinese industry assisted Russia in developing the components necessary for the defense industry. The Chinese were part of a conflict in which they were not on the coast, neither on a military plan (without direct involvement of the APL), nor on an economic plan (the Taiwanese attack), without engaging in a commercial battle with the US state , son of top-notch partners with above-average price tag of $400 million).

Surtout, Pékin was in conflict with Ukraine at an international tournament. In 2021, the US withdrew from Afghanistan to open its prospects after being expelled by the Taliban regime (by an ambassador to Beijing in 2024 without formal clarification from the regime). The failure of Ukraine to annex a party to its territory, the abandonment of all ideas of entering the EU or the OTAN, the arrival in Kiev's affairs through an opportunity for reconciliation with Moscow, it was a coup and a serious encore for America's prestige. She traveled to a geopolitical realignment in Asia that had a positive impact on Chinese views.

But if the Chinese people are without terror, a great source against the West in Ukraine, the American font. As part of the double game in Beijing, sanctions against Chinese companies involved in anti-Russia efforts have been multiplied (16 out of 60 years and more than the most recent sanctions regime announced by the French department in May 2024). The protection politicians direct the trade (Bulk des Droits de Douane sur les voitures électriques de 25 à 100%) or the Chinese companies (Tik Tok Ban Bill de la Chambre des Représentants) are participants in the Même Logique.

The military soldier stationed in Ukraine could also be six months away from Beijing. The Russian army commanded considerable forces (150,000 soldiers in France alone), and the main soldiers of the occupation of Afghanistan or the United States could fight against the war cadre using an indirect strategy. Washington's calculation was so long that Beijing had to travel to Moscow during its military operations, and the Chinese no longer tried to set up a new front, and the policy had reached completion in the South China Republic, quite undoubtedly, under the sign of conquest Taiwan.

This person may become tired because of the path they have chosen. First, the Chinese pounds are significant in the fight against Russia, displacing the fall of Iran or North Korea. Other states supporting Moscow are responsible for commercial exchanges, but their role is negligible: the Chinese PIB is in India four times. The entire change in Russian policy in Ukraine came spontaneously from Beijing. With this in mind, Xi Jinping recently visited him in Paris. But given Europe's peripheral role in Asia, it is not vulnerable to interference with the PCC line.

Ensuite concerns America's involvement in Ukraine. I am in Washington, not only abroad, but also very realistically, having received a message of deterrence against China. Le vote you supplementary ($60 billion) over several years (until 2026 at the latest) for American support in Kiev. The anger of one faction of the Republican Party bodes well for Ukraine. It is possible that Donald Trump thinks that he has left Moscow for the Chinese he visited. The fight between China and the United States is not on the ground: it could be on the way there.