
Sources “surcapacités”?


Sources “surcapacités”?

It is a word that means part of it at this moment: “surcapacités” (产能过剩, “chǎn néng guòshèng”), specifically Chinese.

Before your concern, a small clarification is necessary: ​​from an economic point of view, overcapacity is aimed at a situation in which the equipment and human resources are sous-utilisés In some cases, performance is lower due to effective coordination with demand. There may be one Estimate exaggerated de la Demande futurea une bearish Soudaine de la Demandea une consent arise With a surproduction, voire à des subsidies of the State In these industries. Additional capacity may be available economic consequences, negative consequencessays que la bearish price et la Reducing margins. There can be others too Licensesof fermetures d'usines and a general bear market l'efficacité économique. Si la production excédentaire European Summer Time exportedcela peut provoquer des Suspense commercials et of the accusation de call it quits In the markets of the world.

It's not the premiere until the topic hits the carpet. For more than a year, the Chinese government has been accused of overcharging the exporter, notamment dans Steel, aluminum and cement, which is a good number for foreign products that are unable to align with the Chinese price. This situation is available to you Budget universities et l'Union Européenne (UE) A depositor plainte à plusieurs reprises against the Chine auprés de l'Organization Mondiale du Commerce (OMC), l'accusant de Commercial practices deloyalwith no probable outcome.

A little later, the “Belt & Road” initiative (BRI) launched by Pékin in 2013 to keep an eye on the issue, one of the objectives of the program, which aims to take advantage of this excess capacity in use Infrastructure projects We also support Chinese companies (public private individuals) in their search abroad new débouches hors frontières.

History kept repeating itself, but the problem remained this problem Lace cutstels que celui des Green energies et of electric vehicles, appeals to the new entrepreneurs of the Chinese economy and the relay of real estate. This situation is particularly highlighted Budget universities et al l'UEqui seraient tous les deux prêts à imposer des Tariffs double For the protection of their markets (Bruxelles will return the results of its request about a month ago). The news is certain pays for emergencies Whether in Turkey, in Mexico, in Argentina, in Brazil, in India and in Indonesia, all of them also unite the cohort of Plaignants…

When the Chinese explain that they are overloaded Maybe there is a problem (surtout lorsqu'elles affect son propre marché), elle never farouchement That the manufacturer's capacity may pose a threat to other countries. Signe que Pékin ne fera pas marche arrière, la official press A release debut in April, a year Comment series Qualified lawsuits due to overloading of industrial companies « exaggerated » et d' « Hypocrite ». This is important Couverture mediatique Maybe it will be interpreted that way reflet de l'inquiétude There are other disadvantages that lead to protective measures for the economy. By hand and concrete, the Chinese a porté plainte before the OMC against subsidies « Discrimination » Agreement on new energy vehicles by the American government.

What are the codes? Selon an analysis from Bloomberg, the usage capacity Chinoise Varie considerablement in function of the sector. In this case panneaux solairesyou cement et des BatteriesThe water is not thick (about 30%), this is a design Exceeding capacity. Par opposite, in the cases electric vehicles et des éoliennes, it shows a “normal” utilization of the production system (approx. 80%). This way I definitely need to talk about it « competitiveness » Plutôt que de surcapacités. The question of knowing whether this competitive advantage is the result généreuses subsidy accords from or by the Chinese government Ability to innovate from its producers…

Quoi qu'elle en dise, regler le Problem structure Its industrial overcapacity cannot be recovered in China trop dependent You export and get a good name Commercial conflicts. The problem is that the Chinese product is anything but dangerous. Or: Seules les entreprises privées font Faillite, State-owned enterprises (SOEs) benefit from government (local) protection and subsidies. The solution was determined by this reforming State-owned enterprisesthat is inevitable pertes d'emplois massives with an associated risk“social instability”.the story of Pékin.

The other option is definitely good Stimulate the taux de consommation In the Chinese ménages it was 38%, up 18 points last month. It is necessary to remedy the situation Couverture socialevoire de revoir le Wealth sharing system.

There are no other solutions brought about light On the way to his work and when Pékin has decided on a day or another time, these two will react to it propres imperatifspas pour les beaux yeux de Bruxelles or Washington.