
SON Estrella Galicia hosts her second micro festival at the legendary Prince Albert in Brighton with Swim Deep and more


It's not just the seagulls that are bigger in Brighton.

Words: Jake Hawkes.
Photos: Alex Amoros.

Quick question: Who likes great bands, great pubs and great Spanish beer? That's what we thought – well, SON Estrella Galicia's second micro-festival at Brighton's legendary Prince Albert had all three. With a stacked lineup led by Swim Deep, some of the best Mexican food in town thanks to Carlito Burrito, and more Estrella Galicia than you can shake a stick at, it's the best Wednesday night we've had in a long time.

Kicking things off is the one-two punch of Brighton's best local talent – Projector and Currls. Projector's grunge-infused melodies are backed by two vocalists, helping them stand out from the crowd. The entire set is perfect for the sweaty conditions at Albert, but it's when the band harmonizes on songs like “Play Along” that they really shine. When the guitarist pulls out a maraca, we're completely sold out. Curls get started with a bang, racing across the stage like a hurricane and pumping out songs that are a thousand times harsher than on the record, without losing their melodic sharpness.

It's a strong start, but if there's a band that knows how to stick the landing, it's Swim Deep. Three albums under our belt and getting ready for a fourth, this is a band that can make an audience dance. It's a testament to the strength of their discography that each era of the band gets airplay without having to rely on a few big hits. That being said, tracks from the first album like “King City” and “Honey” are still well received, with each member of the sold-out crowd sharing the band's lyrics as they sing.

In a tight set, they still manage to find time to listen to second album “Fueiho Boogie,” over eight minutes in total. It's a bold move, but one that goes down well and proves that Swim Deep is by no means just an indie band, but is certainly capable of filling the dance floor of discos. After they leave the stage and the audience slowly makes their way back downstairs, one thing is completely clear: it's not just the seagulls that are bigger in Brighton.