
Saint Alban. Armistice ceremony 1945, May 7th


This year, the commemoration of the victory of May 8, 1945 in Saint-Alban was broadcast 18 hours ago on May 7. Participants were briefed by Guy Fraysse, President of FNACA, about the repatriation of the mortuary monument and ancient combatant canals.

The official ceremony was honored by the presence of Alain Susigan, Lord of Saint-Alban and various personalities. After this moment of relaxation, the gathering was invited to part of the friendship pot in the banquet hall.

Don you sang

Before this month's numerous bridges, Thunder Son Sang was there forever. The Donneurs Association of Saint-Alban organized a collection in the Hall of Feasts on March 19, 1962 for 14 to 19 hours. The people who had not booked an appointment in advance could only imagine We present this simple gesture of solidarity in the Hall of Celebrations for practice!

Déjeuner musical

After the organizers announced the artist or group that wanted to produce for their musical ventures, the upcoming rendez-vous was a surprise… Appearing from May 16th until 12.30 p.m. at the Park Mairie, the participants heard that day when they played the musical break.