
Project Gameface, Google's idea to make more accessible games, is available on Android


This world is a joy: The modern gaming market generally includes various control interfaces, even if the standard peripherals are standard. When it comes to accessibility, Google wants to offer an open source alternative to reduce access rights to personal peripherals.

Google has released the Android port of the Gameface project, a technology designed for a new year to enable games accessible to people with disabilities. Project Gameface helps players control the mouse cursor by taking advantage of their head movements and front gesture, and also eliminates the need to earn money for their later uses.

Mountain View presented the Gameface project on the website before the I/O anniversary with the following features. Players can use the sources to “click and shine” by virtually pressing the cursor on the screen or opening the button to move it. Society believes that they can be passionate about the game, especially because a physical disability limits their choices in life.

The Gameface Project is inspired by the story of Lance Carr, a gamer who was aware of a muscle disease now known as muscular dystrophy. Take control of your play by having a second child assist him the next day, but the equipment is out of order – even if the rest of the play equipment at home is nearby.

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Do a job with Google to restore game video content via Project Gameface. The technology uses automatic learning algorithms to capture head movements and facial gestures captured with a simple webcam and then move the mouse cursor. Google also points out the gesture features to respond to various tasks, while also helping users control the pronunciation of a facial expression to resolve an effect of the facial expression on the screen.

Although Project Gameface was originally designed to respond to passionate hobbies like Carr, the technology is flexible enough to be used in other scenarios. Google is associated with Indian social society. Including Explorer for other applications such as Gameface for work, school and various social situations.

Google believes that the Gameface project is not intended to make decisions about “testing for the game” and that the technology does not have a face-reconnaissance or identification feature. The code source is currently available for Android and Windows platforms and has unique facial recognition.

Relax and see how the number of smartphones sold by the brand has evolved over time in this video:

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