
“On n'est pas des statistiques”


The dog Kyena was in the tent of Jérémi, a resident of the Arena Guertin camp who wanted to destroy his installations.

I'm afraid of one, Jérémi earned more than $70,000 a year as a supervisor in a compensation company. The irony of the story: These suspects were disempowered, and the man from Zug left his employer without a car, just six months later.

The danger of his effort was the death of his father, and he left Jérémi without resources. It is also the case that it was retrofitted and installed at the campsite. “C'est pas par choix. Moi, I've never done a drug before, it's just one Bad luck.”

Jérémi was a suspect before he left his employer.

Shortly after her arrival, Eloe met her and had to settle down in a fever. “Comfort” is installed on the campsite with a barbecue, a wooden table and double lighting. “When I arrived here, I was looking for two of the best that arrived in my life: my dog ​​and my blonde,” he said in a sharp voice.

Or actually: the road to this camp is over. The city was announced when it was released in the morning. Three identified locations, three urban areas were in the Fonderie department and on Rue Hanson, downtown, for the move. Due to the challenge I had was the demolition work of the Guertin campsite, which was obliged to start dismantling the camp before starting a few months later and then the camp was no longer used serait déplacé.

For those I inhabit, the path lies after an important interrogation point.

Éloe wins in the “Comité des campeurs en calisse”

Jérémi's team, Éloe, besieges the “Comité des campeurs en calisse”, a regrouping that faces future developments at the site. Éloe and her colleagues regret that the city of Gatineau did not inform the population about the discussions surrounding a possible déménagement. “It's frustrating to live in uncertainty all the time and I can't get back to the journey.” “You might not take part in meetings, you might have other participants because you think you haven't thought about it have,” the statement said.

Éloe and Jérémi were just beginning to plan their déménagement, but they lived in the uncertainty they had. “Arrêtez de nous niaiser et impliquez-nous. “It's not the case that you make your choice, it's not the statistics, it's not the goal,” Éloe said.

Jérémi and Éloe shared a tent in the Guertin camp.

“It is a good knowledge of the world that is in danger in the next few days.” When you are on the move, the first installation must be done, explains Jérémi from his shore.

Car is débrouillard. Jérémi found out what kind of moment he was looking for in the outdoors or simply with other campers. Passionate music that keeps me coming back to find more guitars for the future.

Jérémi has found even more guitars to continue his life, including a five-string bass.

Le Gatinois didn't have to eat long and used his lines to take money out of his pocket and asked his friends to pay him compensation. I keep trying to pave the way to work, to no avail, but it's still about finding a job.

But that's not easy. “Veux, veux pas, t'es pas able de te laver, il n'y a meme plus de douche!”, Lance Jérémi. “It's just a little prejudicial. I just couldn't manage to stay stable one night, that's difficult.”