
NPSS cosmetology students provide hair care to evacuees


The cosmetology students are available at North Peace Secondary School during school hours. (North Peace Secondary School)

FORT ST. JOHN, BC – The cosmetology program at Northern Lights College's North Peace Secondary School has opened its doors to evacuees looking for hair care during their stay in Fort St. John.

Kara Myllymaki, the cosmetology program director, wanted to offer services to the evacuees, including free hair washes, blow-dries, curl sets and simple haircuts.

Students and Myllymaki are available for low-cost hair coloring services by appointment only during school hours. These services are not included in the free services offered to evacuees.

Students in the cosmetology program compete with each other throughout their time in college and provide services to interested individuals. (North Peace Secondary School)

Myllymaki hopes to provide some hair care and pampering to people interested in the Fort St. John area.

“Just in case they live out of their RV or something and the water pressure isn’t great [as] “A little treat and it’s on the house,” said Myllymaki.

Interested evacuees must register with Myllymaki in advance by calling the school at 250-785-4429 and dialing 317 extension.