
New police officers and police officers are officially integrated into the SPS brigade


This is the case in the Calypso de Jonquière, where the confirmation of new police officers and constables has been replaced by the Saguenay Police Service (SPS). The recruits, three women and men who had experience in the profession or as new graduates, were officially part of the SPS brigade in the presence of their families.

The ceremony made its debut in a parade and has already been awarded with an award of approval, noted by the city councilor and president of the Public Safety Commission, Kevin Armstrong, as well as by the general director of the SPS, Mathieu Perron. Celui-ci was ready to compliment the recruits on their course until they had the best chance in their new roles. It was very stressful to see a relationship with the Saguenay police, in a context of main work punishment.

Clodelle Mercier, a native of Chicoutimi and a recruit, was mentioned as having been able to serve the people of Saguenay for three years.

Jérôme Bédard Tardif, Mr., was traveling in the community during his work, working with the other police officers who had recently lost face.