
LHJMQ: Justin Poirier and Justin Gill duel Titan in a victory over Drakkar


Le Drakkar de Baie-Comeau ne bronche pas.

Against Justin Poirier and Justin Gill, Drakkar reached a 2-0 lead in the series against Titan d'Acadie-Bathurst and achieved a 4-2 win.

Baie-Comeau was unsuccessful in six games throughout the dance competition. The 26th Marqué team had only been there a few years and they didn't know it was new.

A pair of three but consecutive men to fall in love with the aura of the game was enough for Drakkar to achieve victory. Gill was Drakkar's best pointeur in the match with his assistants in the quest for three firsts and seven years.

LNH Poirier's hope for a possible chain recursion was definitely successful with a look back and a helper. Poirier picked up almost a point and racked up new points in his six elimination games after the series' debut.

A nice entry into the Gill zone in the opening minutes of the game allowed me to aim the rondel at Poirier, which revealed the mark of an excellent catchphrase.

Due to his numerical advantage in first place, Gill was an accomplice of Niks Fenenko, who was a good blue line lancer.

Gill once again showed how his talented son sinks into the environment of two levels after giving Louis-Charles Plourde a nice flashback. This has increased the Drakkar priority to three years, with a fillet and a baked tombant.

Matthew McRae and Louis-François Bélanger overwhelmed the Titans in the final stage, while Félix Gagnon confirmed Drakkar's victory in a desert fillet.

After the failure, Bathurst gardener Antoine Keller was frustrated with 45 convictions. As the patination continued, Charles-Édward Gravel's 23 works were sufficient for Drakkar.

The series aired in Bathurst on March 17th.

Victoriaville is located near Rouyn-Noranda

Maxime Pellerin and Justin Gendron gathered in pairs and an assistant, but it was only one in a desert fillet of Nikita Prishchepov who was allowed to leave the Tigres of Victoriaville to meet the best of the 7-6 mark against the Huskies Rouyn- Noranda took a 2-0 lead in the series.

After going 1:22 in three seasons, Prishchepov posted his premiership, but the series began by turning the circle in a cage to bring the mark to 7-5.

What didn't happen is the difference the Huskies can make after entering the game 7-6 minutes later than Bill Zonnon.

Eliott Simard and Mathis Aguilar came on for the Tigres when they came together in a foursome with a 4-2 deficit. Pellerin, Gendron deux fois and Aguilar, at the end of the second phase and in the atmosphere of the three-year commitment, found the background of the fillet in the space of minutes and 20 seconds.

Andrei Loshko and Louis-Philippe Fontaine were Marqué deux but chacun, after the other Huskies fillet comes from the oeuvre of Thomas Verdon.

The series moves towards Victoriaville, where the Tigres collect the Huskies by the sea.

The Eagles aren't there yet

Cam Squires left the brand at the end of the premiere period and it was all the gardener Nicolas Ruccia needed to lead the Eagles du Cap-Breton to victory.

Ruccia defeated the 26 Lancers of the Saguenéens de Chicoutimi to give the Eagles a 1-0 victory that allowed them to move to 2-0 in the series.

Ruccia had released the Saguenées for a second game within 24 hours of the 4-0 triumph in the opening game. Le Cerbère included a total of 51 arrests within the series.

With 1:29 left in the first season, the Knappen provoked a revirement zone to counteract an attack under cover. Squires was given his own bath with an excellent emotional outburst and had to be guided by the vigilance of Rémi Delafontaine.

The last time, 27 of the 28 circles she led were replayed.

The residents of Saguenéen were able to take advantage of their return to their home on March to reduce the card draw over the course of the series to 2-1.

Les Voltigeurs has been published for 3 years

Luke Woodworth couldn't be let go after a tour of the chapel.

The Voltigeur captain had a ton in a three-man haul but no repeat of the same wins to pave the way to a 5-2 Drummondville win over the Phoenix de Sherbrooke.

Woodworth finished the game with a review and an advisor, much like Ethan Gauthier, and the Voltigeurs won 2-0 in their series against Phoenix.

Gauthier confirmed the victory with a But in a Filet Desert at the end of the game, and Mikaël Diotte had also contributed to the Voltigeur pair in three months with the second part of the series.

Vsevolod Komarov and Justin Côté sparkled the light in the victory of the Voltigeurs, as the two gentlemen of Phoenix were the work of Olivier Dubois.

In front of the Voltigeurs' cage, Riley Mercer locked in 21 of the 23 circles put in front of him. About the author and other contributors

Game No. 3 was played in Sherbrooke on Tuesday evening.