
Le Printemps de la Biodiversité Citadelle Besançon, April 16, 2024


Le Printemps de la Biodiversité Citadelle Besançon, April 16, 2024.

Le Printemps de la Biodiversité Citadelle Besançon Doubs

In September, discover Après-Midi topics about one of the biggest events of our century for the conservation of biodiversity. At the Point d'orgue du Parc zoologique de la Citadelle de Besançon, the pledges between the patron saints and the conservation missions must be respected when passing through children's studios and near animals and professional equipment.

In this meeting with the printers you will have the opportunity to focus your curiosity on everything while observing with amusement and attentiveness the fauna that awaits you in the citadel.

March April 16, 2024
Le Criquet de Crau is an ambassador
Particularly noteworthy are Crau and other insecticides

Sold April 19th
La faune amérindienne, menacing and haute en couleur
Espèces tamarins, paresseux, titis, tatous, agoutis, macaws, dendrobates

Mardi Gras, April 23rd
Survol d'expert merveilles du site
Espèces ibis chauves, faune sauvage du site (oiseaux et chauves-souris libres, couleuvres vipérines)

Sold April 26th
Sentinelles aquatiques ecrevisses and aprons
Espèces écrevisses and aprons

Mercredi May 15th
The animals of Asia in the Southeast are valuable and fascinating
Especially gibbons, binturongs and Bali travelers

Mercredi May 22nd
Zoom in on specific specialties of the Indian Ocean
Espèces lémuriens (Propithèque couronné, Lémur couronné, Grand Hapalémur, Vari à ceinture), Grenouilles (mantelpieces), geckos

Mercredi May 29th
A la decouverte du lynx, du renard and their ecosystems
Espèces rongeurs du noctarium


Encounters with animal keepers, veterinarians and zoo biologists
Visits des coulisses
Lighting for nature conservation projects
Ateliers Design
Animations and fascinating visits by the author 0 0 EUR.

Date (year – month – day) and hour:
Debut: 04/16/2024 09:00:00
End: May 29, 2024 6:00 p.m

Citadelle 99 Rue des Fusillés de la Resistance
Besançon 25000 Doubs Bourgogne-Franche-Comté [email protected]

The event “Le Printemps de la Biodiversité Besançon” took place on March 26, 2024 by the Office of Tourism and Conventions in the Greater Besançon Area