
June is ATV Safety Month in Saskatchewan


Drugs and alcohol, not wearing a helmet, and driving beyond one's abilities are three of the most common causes of injuries and deaths while driving off-road vehicles.

That's according to John Meed, general manager of the Saskatchewan All Terrain Vehicle Association. June is ATV Safety Month, so Meed recommends that every ATV owner, especially 12- to 15-year-olds, take an accredited ATV safety course with the Canadian or Saskatchewan Safety Council.

“If you are between the ages of 12 and 15, you can ride on public property as long as you have either completed the Canadian Safety Council's approved ATV safety course or are supervised by someone who has held a licence for at least one year.”

However, these rules do not apply on private property, where accidents and injuries often occur.

“Another problem is putting a child on an adult ATV. This can be a problem because they don't have the strength or dexterity to control the device properly.”

Meed advises drivers to always tell someone where they are going and when they expect to be back.

“You're often traveling in areas where cell reception isn't that good. So if something were to happen, someone should know when you should be back and where you were going.”

He adds that a one-person vehicle should never be driven by two people as this will upset the balance and could cause a rollover.