
Chouette effraie, Dame blanche or Effraie des clochers


Chouette effraie, Dame blanche or Effraie des clochers

La chouette effraie (Tyto alba), also under the names of the white lady or the Effraie des Clochers, a good word for the quiet ends and the many small animals. This nocturnal rapace of the great Moyenne belongs to the Tytonidés family and is associated with strong symbolism. In fact, the Beloiseau is a good name for legends and fantasy stories, noted on the grounds that his son was silenced and his alienated buildings sank. Symbols of heresy in old age, they preserve the image of the group of magicians in the imagination of the competition. Focus on the offending mask.

Qui est la chouette effraie?

  • Order: Strigiformes
  • Family: Tytonidae
  • Genre: Tyto
  • Special: Alba

Upon exploration, the Effraie was made to her imposing marquee mask of a white, Argentinian facial treatment from a brown line in the shape of her heart and her son over the year. This mask, if it is clear, cannot be found even in recent years. Its plumage is medium gray to brown in color at the top level of its body and contains numerous nuances corresponding to the fine gray and brown marbling and the small feathers in the shape of extremely black daisies. Son poitrail is blanchâtre à blanc roux and piqueté de brown gloomy. These long strokes are close to their white plumage, and they will grow at the height of their powerful flowers. Finally, they are long and hard.

If the male has lighter plumage and the female's color is lighter, sexual dimorphism is very high. In the delicious chocolate, the woman is more special than a man, it has a length of 34cm and 40cm for 260g to 360g and then is so big that it is the last size of 32cm and 38cm for 280g has 350 g. All two have a similar opening, varying between 107 cm and 110 cm. It is important that the distinction has not yet been made.

The charisma is a characteristic feature of numerous Rapaces, Lent, Souple, Silencieux and with the patterns hanging on them. Afterwards, she perfumes the sounds of the world with the grace of the little fringed soup and embeds them to recover the feathers of their air and let them modify the airflow to avoid the terrys.

The delicious chocolate is diverse. The young people boast of great devotion and are reluctant to give the adults a more irregular rhythm, even when comforting their children. As they dug, the cold rushed into the air. In case of stress, elle souffle et claque du bec. Finally, the male sings a territorial saying. The names of their children or sons, reminiscent of soup or human scheming, are a sonorous sound that comes from the origin of the legendary names and the expressive story that does not come from the star.

Note that this Beloiseau has a life experience of more than 10 years. However, the records were registered 18 and 21 years ago.

Is the Chouette effraie no longer there?

Tres répandue, the chouette effraie vit sur tous les continents. The observer can be effective in Europe (in Scandinavia and Malta), in Africa (in the Sahara), in Asia, in North and South America, but also in Australia and on the Pacific islands. Environment 10 Sous-Espèces Alba It is part of this vast territory.

Sédentaire, elle évolue au his son aire de nidification all a long the year. However, they may move due to food shortages caused by their stay. Amatrice of grands espaces ouverts, on peut ainsi l'andmirer dans lieux or elle peut chasser à basse height for se nourrir, tels que les prairies, les lisières de champs, les haies, les friches or encore les vergers. She still lived near human structures and was outside of city parks. Under the name “Indica”, the Efficiency of the Clochers can also be installed in the Clochers of Glises to move in the future, or in the chambers of abandoned buildings, the courtyards or the farms.

The cold stayed awake throughout the day and haunted her through the night between periods of rest and plumage.

A big appetite for the rongeurs

The delicious chocolate is just an exception for small tongs who say that the campagnols, the mulots and the gray sauerkrauts are also the musaraignes that represent them very well. However, they also arrive in the nativity scene of passers-by, such as the mountains, the detours or the hirondelles, the chauves-souris, the large insects, the amphibians, the batraciens, as well as the taupes, the belettes and the lapins.

A single person was prepared per night for 3 to 4 days. The effraie chouette is prepared throughout the country and then sucked from the digested parties in the form of pelotes for digestion. When explored, these pelotes de rejection look dark, brilliant and arranged.

The reproduction of the Chouette Effraie

While I choose, I am a majority monopolist, even if polygamy is constantly observed. This is the plus of security and proximity to the human living space that the mind is supposed to nidify. When he was installed at night, he tended only rudimentarily to inhabit a nightlife or cave, in his old buildings that told of manors, greniers, castles or additions in the church shutters.

This animal is able to reproduce since the birth of a child, the wedding parade debuts in February or on Mars. The lucky woman will have two days to think about until March 13th. A woman deposited only between 4 and 15 pieces at a time, measuring between 35mm and 43mm and 30mm and 33mm, all from two or three days. Plus the nourriture sera abondante et plus the nichée sera generalment nombreuse.

The incubation period is 30 to 32 days. The various graduations followed every two weeks. The children are cared for by both parents together with her for around 8 to 10 weeks.

Is the fresh air in the garden useful or harmful?

The Chouette effraie does not approach the enemy of the garden. This great lover of rongeurs consisted of a large quantity of campagnols, sours and other animals harmful to the plantations, which had never been there before, and also helped to regulate the population of these small ravagers of crops. For gardens or cultivated areas surrounded by trips and mountains, the crop also helps regulate their population regularly since these animals are part of their diet.

The fear is an animal that has seen a net decline in its populations for more than a year. It is actually threatened by the inequality of its habitats through the demolition or renewal of buildings, through collisions of day and night with vehicles, through the change in its living environment through the inequality in the prairies, sharks and bocages, but also the use of massive pesticides. After the inauguration of the Ministry on April 17, 1981, the Chouette Effraie was a protégé of the Ensemble of the French Territory. It is an interdit des détruires, the mutilation, the capturer, the lever, the endangerer, the naturalizer, the transporter, the détenir, the seller or the money and it is also interdit detruire or d'enlever ses œufs and ses nids ainsi que degrader son milieu de vie.