
Beothuk Lake could be flooded by heavy snowfall, with rain still to come, says NL Hydro


No timeline has been set for the consultation process to rename Red Indian Lake.  (Garrett Barry/CBC – photo credit)

No timeline has been set for the consultation process to rename Red Indian Lake. (Garrett Barry/CBC – photo credit)

No timeline has been set for the consultation process to rename Red Indian Lake. No timeline has been set for the consultation process to rename Red Indian Lake.

No timeline has been set for the consultation process to rename Red Indian Lake.

Expected snowfall and rain could bring the risk of flooding to Lake Beothuk as early as Friday morning, officials say. (Garrett Barry/CBC)

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro has mobilized its emergency response teams to the Beothuk Lake area in central Newfoundland, saying expected snowfall and rain could bring the risk of flooding as early as Friday morning.

In a news release issued Thursday evening, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro communications officer Jill Pitcher said the area at highest risk of flooding over the next 24 to 48 hours is Sandy Point on the west side of the lake.

Flooding could also occur in Buchan's Landing, the release said, as well as areas closer to the lake's shore.

“We are seeing an unprecedented rise in water levels in the lake and people are urged to exercise great caution and increased vigilance,” the release said.

“Despite our water management efforts, rising lake levels have become a problem. Unless the rate of increase slows, we expect the lake could reach full supply levels as early as summer.” [Friday] Morning.”

A winter storm warning is in effect for the Buchan area and there was heavy rain earlier this week.

Rain, snow and ice pellets are expected during Thursday night. Between 30 and 60 centimeters of snow is expected to fall in the region overnight from Thursday to Friday.

Hydro is urging cabin owners to exercise caution and said emergency response teams are coordinating efforts with local communities if necessary.

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