
A decision must be made on the plan for 180 homes in Seaton


The decision, which is recommended for approval, will go before Cumberland Council's planning board on Wednesday, April 24.

The application for 180 new homes and associated landscaping and infrastructure on the Year Rise land north east of Calva Farm was first submitted by Story Homes Ltd in December 2022.

A total of 299 objections have been received since the plans were submitted, mainly relating to highway capacity, overdevelopment of Seaton village, road safety, utility capacity, drainage and flooding, lack of winter birding and bus services.

The application was also met with vocal opposition from Seaton Parish Council member Daniel Horsley, who said the village was not large enough to accommodate an additional project of this size.

The development proposal includes a mix of housing types including 9 bungalows, 9 terraces, 66 semi-detached and 96 detached homes ranging from 2 to 6 bedrooms.

If given the green light, the proposal would see the provision of 18 affordable homes.

Previously, a spokesperson for Story Homes said: “Our proposed plan has been carefully designed to allow for appropriate expansion of the village on land earmarked for residential development under the local plan adopted by the council.”

“The proposed plan has been underpinned by robust surveys and assessments to ensure the existing infrastructure can accommodate the proposed development, together with a carefully designed highways strategy, including traffic calming measures and proposals for improved pedestrian connectivity.”

“The proposed project will deliver wider public benefits, with an attractive new streetscape, a net gain in biodiversity, landscaping and public open spaces, including an equipped play area.”

“The proposed system would also deliver economic benefits with direct and indirect job creation through housing and the supply chain.”

“Once occupied, the new residents will bring additional consumer spending to the area, making a positive contribution to the local economy,” they said.