
Trudeau should meet with prime ministers on carbon price, MPs say as motion passes


The House of Commons is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to hold an “emergency meeting” with premiers to talk about alternatives to the federal carbon price, adopting a non-binding Conservative motion to push for that meeting with support from the NDP Bloc Quebecois.

Ahead of question period on Wednesday, NDP environmental critic Laurel Collins said her party planned to vote for Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's motion despite criticism of the Conservative stance on the issue of carbon pricing.

“I think this is an opportunity to also show Canadians that many of the Conservative premiers don't have a plan, similar to the Conservative leader in the House of Commons. They have no plan to address the climate crisis and Canadians should be aware of that,” Collins told reporters.

Poilievre introduced a motion calling on Trudeau to hold a televised meeting with premiers on Tuesday. An amended version of the motion was adopted on Wednesday, which calls for recognizing that the carbon price is sparking debate in the country and recognizing that while British Columbia, Quebec and the Northwest Territories have their own systems, “the federal government However, a CO2 tax is stipulated.” Politics.”

The Supreme Court of Canada upheld Ottawa's ability to set a national minimum price for pollution in 2021.

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On April 1, the federal backstop rose from $65 a tonne to $80, amid opposition from most premiers in jurisdictions where it applies.

Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal Prime Minister Andrew Furey wrote to Trudeau last month requesting a meeting to discuss alternatives.

In response, Trudeau sent his own letter to the provinces where the backstop applies, saying they have always been able to present alternatives that incorporate the backstop.

The premiers of Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Alberta appeared before the House of Commons operations committee days before the increase to voice their opposition and demand that the increase be at least suspended.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said his province has examined alternative plans but found them all too costly.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs advocated for increased investment in natural gas and pipelines to transport it to the East Coast so it can be exported to replace coal power in international markets.

Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew says he wants to present an alternative to the federal carbon price for his province and met with Trudeau on the issue last week in Winnipeg.

With current opposition focused on cost-of-living challenges, Collins said the Liberals should do more to ease the cost burden on Canadians.

Previously, the NDP had pushed to remove the GST from home heating.

“The Liberals have in many ways made consumer carbon pricing the be-all and end-all of their climate policy and have really made it the political wedge that it is,” Collins said.

“We believe that there are a whole range of climate policy measures that need to be implemented. An important part of this is raising the industrial carbon price so that the biggest polluters pay their fair share. We’re taking some of the burden off of everyday Canadians and putting it back on the biggest corporations, the rich CEOs who should pay for their pollution.”

According to a recent report from the Canadian Climate Institute, the industry's carbon price is responsible for 20 to 48 percent of Canada's emissions reductions, while the fuel fee people pay for things like gasoline is responsible for eight to 14 percent of emissions reductions.