
The Caroline Dawson Literary Prize rewards personalities with diversity


Caroline Dawson, a new literary award, was established in collaboration with Radio-Canada's Directorate General of Equité, Diversité and Mobilization to honor the talent of Canadian writer Caroline Dawson.

A novel or essay published in French by a writer or a new writer, published by Diversity and Life in Canada, earned a purse of $2,000.

The recipient has and has been invited to have their literary work adapted into an audio version for Radio-Canada OHdio The Resta toujours la culture sur les ondes d'ICI Premiere.

Émilie Perreault, the animator of the emission, came to Mardi after the announcement and then received Caroline Dawson. Il restera toujours la culture, a statement by Émilie Perreault. With his great curiosity and his view of the sociologist, which enriches us by expanding his presence at the micro level or in the future, he expands the horizons of our personal libraries. “This is the first time for me that I remember for a long time.” With his great curiosity and his view of the sociologist, who enriches us by expanding his presence at the micro level or in the future, he broadens our horizons Staff Libraries. “This is original to my understanding when I added Longtemps.”}}”>Caroline is one of the premiere employees who is about to arrive The Resta toujours la culture, a statement by Émilie Perreault. With his great curiosity and his view of the sociologist, which enriches us by expanding his presence at the micro level or in the future, he expands the horizons of our personal libraries. It's original for me to listen to the sound for longer.

Caroline Dawson, also a sociology professor at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, was published in an edition in 2020 that published an autofiction premiere. Là où je me terre. Son recueil de poésie That's you Posted in 2023 by Triptyque.

Visual du roman Là où je me terre.

Valparaiso, Christmas 1986, Tremblement de terre entre les quatre murs d'one maison. A family laissez to the smallest detail and was the Chili de Pinochet. Caroline, 7 years old, had nausea throughout the trip. In Montreal, the next morning, the red carpet was at the Hotel Ramada, visiting the refuges. The passe-partout addressed to her goes through the television. Après, you are the first apartment in Montréal-Nord, Madame Thérèse's class, looking at the French, …

Photo: Radio-Canada

This award that I received in front of my name is the music of the first hour. I was very happy and felt grateful. This is a really nice idea of ​​how to dress legscommented Caroline Dawson.