
A priest accused of sexually assaulting children in Nunavut has died in France


A priest accused of sexually abusing Inuit children in Nunavut decades ago has died in France after a long, unexplained illness.

The Oblates of Mary Immaculate Conception, including the Oblates of Lacombe in Canada and the Oblate Province of France, say Joannes Rivoire died Thursday. He was in his 90s.

Rev. Ken Thorson of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Lacombe Canada says the death could be difficult news for those who campaigned for the priest to be brought to justice in Canada.

“We sincerely regret that … Rivoire never made himself available and will never face the charges against him. We also regret that efforts to formally remove him as a priest were unsuccessful,” he said in an email Friday.

A recent independent review of claims against Rivoire confirmed allegations that the priest assaulted six children in Nunavut.

Rivoire arrived in Canada in 1959. He remained in the north until January 1993, when he informed his superiors that he needed to return to France to care for his elderly parents.

That same month, four people went to the RCMP in Nunavut to accuse Rivoire of sexual assault.

Rivoire refused to return to Canada after an arrest warrant was issued in 1998. He has been charged with at least three counts of sexual abuse in the Nunavut communities of Arviat, Rankin Inlet and Naujaat. More than two decades later, the charges were stayed.

In 2022, another warrant was issued for Rivoire's arrest for indecent assault on a girl in Arviat and Whale Cove between 1974 and 1979. French authorities rejected an extradition request.

Rivoire denied all allegations made against him and none were proven in court.

Inuit leaders and politicians, from senators to Nunavut's premier, have pushed for years for the priest to be brought to justice, and some have taken their fight to Parliament Hill and to Lyon, France, where Rivoire lived.

Piita Irniq, an Inuk elder and former politician who fought for Rivoire's return to Canada for more than a decade, said in a message to The Canadian Press that he was informed of Rivoire's death Friday morning.

“Rivoire left his victims a legacy of intimidation, fear and horror. His victims will now recover from his death.”

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a national organization representing Inuit across Canada, called the case a systemic failure of nation-states and religious institutions.

Natan Obed, the organization's president, met with Pope Francis in 2022 and asked him to intervene in the case.

The group said in a statement that the Inuit did everything they could to ensure justice, but in the end it was not enough.

“Our thoughts are with the many victims … and the many victims of perpetrators who continue to evade justice,” it said.

Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., a group that represents Nunavut Inuit, said in a statement that it was disappointing that Rivoire did not have to answer to the allegations against him.

“NTI supported the victims and their families’ efforts to seek justice and will continue to stand by them after Rivoire’s death,” it said.

“Governments must do more to support victims of abuse and bring perpetrators of violence against children to justice.”

Rivoire was barred from public service after the Oblates said they first learned of criminal proceedings against him. The Oblates in both Canada and France repeatedly asked Rivoire to face the charges, but he refused.

Some believed that the Oblates played a role in his departure for France. The independent investigation, led by retired Supreme Court judge André Denis, found no evidence that the church knew about the allegations or helped the priest leave.

Denis said it was possible that rumors about the priest's behavior were the reason he left, but there was no evidence.

The Oblates in Canada and France also appealed to the leadership in Rome to initiate dismissal proceedings against Rivoire. At the beginning of the year it was decided that the priest could remain a member of the congregation.

Thorson said Friday that the Oblates will continue to offer support to the complainants and their families in the next chapter of their healing process.

“We want to unequivocally apologize to everyone who was harmed by Rivoire… Our prayers go out to the Inuit community and everyone who is still processing this news.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published April 12, 2024.

– With files from Kelly Geraldine Malone in Saskatoon

Brittany Hobson, The Canadian Press

Note to readers: This is a corrected story. An earlier version misspelled Joannes Rivoire's first name.