
A Montreal-area teenager is visiting Kenya to see wells he helped build from home


A teenager from Dorval, Que. has returned from a trip to Kenya, a trip that has been planned for over a decade.

Joshua Morin-Surette learned the importance of clean water at the age of seven.

Since then, he has dedicated his free time to raising money to build wells in Kenya.

In March he was able to see the fruits of his labor for the first time ever.

“It was pretty awesome,” he said. “We kind of talk about how it was a very humbling experience.”

One of his mothers, Cori-Ann Surette, accompanied Morin-Surette on his trip to Kenya.

“The people were just great and friendly wherever we went,” Surette said.

The duo traveled to Kaka-Mega for two and a half weeks to visit the three wells they funded and meet the people they have been helping for over a decade.

“They were really happy to see us,” Morin-Surette said. “We were happy to see them.”

Two of the fountains are in schools and the pair said it was inspiring to hear stories about the importance of clean water.

“One of the principals talked about going to school and how students are no longer getting sick as much from cholera, typhus and things like that,” Surette said.

The two are already planning future fundraising opportunities.

“I want to push myself harder and it really motivated me to put more time and energy into building another 1, 2, 10 wells,” Morin-Surette said.